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Ferm router guide bush. The FBF-1050E router has been designed for professional routing of wood, wood products and plastics. 1 On/off switch 2 Handle 3 Router base 4 Locking bolt for parallel guide 5 Opening for parallel guide 6 Collet nut 7 Spindle lock 8 Revolver-depth stop 9 Locking bolt depth stop 10 Depth stop 11 Clamping lever 12 Scale cutting depth 13 Adjusting wheel electronic speed control 14 Height adjusting button 15 Adapter for extracting dust 16 Dust outlet. ATTACHING THE GUIDE BUSH The bush is used as a aid for cutting patterns. Ensure the diameter of the cutter is suitable to use with the bush. Referring to the illustration below, mount the bush on the underside of the router base (3) with the flange facing downwards. Line up the holes in the bush with those on the base. The guide bush is essentially a circular flange, usually between 10mm and 40mm outside diameter, which fixes to the router base and acts rather like a small ring fence. The cutter plunges through the middle of the bush and the outside edge of the ring runs against the jig or template, to position the cut.